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Free food, fun games, and thousands of people will be a part of the barbecue -- the opening event of Fall New Student Orientation. The barbecue is an important event to attend because at the barbecue new students meet their Y-groups and receive a schedule of events for the remainder of New Student Orientation.
Adam Clark, a past Y-group leader, expressed his opinion about the importance of the barbecue. 'As a Y-group leader ... I felt the barbecue was the event that really set the tone for our Y-group. It got us all excited, and we had a lot of fun,' he said.
This year, the barbecue will be held on Deseret Towers field at 5:30 P.M. Aug. 27. The barbecue normally lasts about two hours. It takes a while to feed 5,000 people, but during the wait Y-groups will play games and getting to know one another better.
Y-groups are spread out across all of Deseret Towers field in numerical order. If you don't receive information about which Y-group you are in before Aug. 27, you can contact (801) 378-3901.