Eager patrons gathered Monday to celebrate the grand opening of the newly renovated Skyroom restaurant in the Wilkinson Center.
The Skyroom, established in 1964 when the Wilkinson Center was completed, has been closed for more than a year because of construction. More than 30 years of tradition have combined with decor and menu innovations to create the new Skyroom.
'We're working with a lot of heritage,' said Paul Johnson, assistant director of Dining Services at the Wilkinson Center. '(The Skyroom) is just a way of showing people the heritage we have.'
Historical photos of BYU students and the original cougar song decorate the pages of the Skyroom menu, while piano melodies enhance the freshness of the new burgundy and green decor.
'We wanted to do something with sky -- something light,' Johnson said, describing the new image of the Skyroom.
Designers worked from the carpet up to create a crisp, bright image for the restaurant, he said.
Many patrons have said the glass-block entrance and openness of the Skyroom are big improvements to the previous entrance which passed the kitchen door, said Skyroom server Jessica Johnston, 19, a junior from Amery, Wis., majoring in elementary education.
'We're getting a lot of old regulars who used to come here a lot,' Johnston said. 'Everyone says it's a lot prettier now.'
However, when it comes to important changes in a restaurant, it is the food that matters most. Chefs have brought in an entirely new menu, excluding three specialty sandwiches brought back by popular demand.
'We want to be on the edge of new technology and new trends,' Johnson said. 'This menu has been chef-driven.'
Most of the food items have lighter sauces with new mixtures of spices and herbs, Johnson said.
'We did a lot of tasting and sampling,' said Robert Morgan, executive chef for Dining Services. The chicken club and chicken wonton salad are expected to be big favorites. The reuben sandwich is a long-time favorite of Skyroom connoisseurs.
The local construction should not affect business at the Skyroom, Johnson said.
'We're all kind of used to the war zone,' he said.
The Skyroom is on the sixth floor of the Wilkinson Center. Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. A friday night buffet is served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and a Devotional luncheon is served Tuesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. For reservations or more information, call 378-9020.