School districts tighten Net use - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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School districts tighten Net use


School districts in Utah County have approved policies that will regulate Internet use among students and employees.

'The Provo School District provides network systems to students and employees,' said Kathy Luke, director of secondary education. 'We reserve the right to monitor use of that network.'

The Provo School District's computer-use policy was written by teachers, school patrons and administrators, Luke said. It was adopted at the last school board meeting on May 19.

'The computer-use policy relates to the general use of the network, like e-mail and access to the Internet,' Luke said.

The policy states that computer use is a privilege, not a right, and the district reserves the right to monitor all use. Users are prohibited from sending offensive graphics or messages, using obscene language and harassing others.

It can't be used for commercial reasons or without permission or supervision. It also can't be used for illegal purposes. Accessing others' files and violating copyright laws is prohibited.

Any violation of this policy can result in losing computer use privileges, prosecution, suspension or termination.

'About 95 percent of computer use is appropriate, but there are always a few who will misuse it, and that's why this policy is needed,' Luke said.

The Alpine School District's policy is similar to the Provo School District policy. It is available on the Internet at

The policy also contains rules to help students protect themselves on the Internet, and asking for parents permission to use the Internet.