Honor Week offers prizes and a chance to remember - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Honor Week offers prizes and a chance to remember

By Carolina Tillotson

As part of Honor Week, students can participate in a variety of activities ? a search for Karl G. Maeser, free 'honor line' tape and a modesty hula ? and have a chance to win several prizes.

The Student Honor Association is sponsoring these activities and has designated the week, 'Brigham Young University Defined by Honor.'

'The idea of Honor Week is to have a whole week where people would think about the Honor Code ? come away thinking about it a little more and asking themselves where they stand,' said Sarah Hatchman, president of the Student Honor Association.

The Honor Code, signed once a year by all BYU students and those living in BYU approved housing, outlines a standard of living adhered to by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Honor Code focuses on areas such as being honest, chaste and virtuous, obeying the law, participating in church services, respecting others, using clean language and abstaining from tobacco, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and drug abuse.

Jeannie Papic, coordinator for the Student Honor Association, said the group created the theme because they wanted to focus on a characteristic that was applicable to everyone.

'We wanted something that was meaningful ? not only to students, faculty and staff on campus, but also to others,' she said.

Kristy Kadish, an employee of the association, said this week is just a fun reminder of all the commitments students and faculty have made. It''s also a way to get involved and remember the Honor Code.

Honor Week, traditionally done every semester, hasn''t been as big in recent years, Hatchman said. It''s something the association is trying to resurrect, in the hopes of making it bigger and involving more of the campus.

The activities will be in Brigham Square today from 12:15 to 2 p.m and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to noon. Students can look for 10 cutouts of Karl G. Maeser around campus all week. The first 10 who spot him and go to the Student Honor Association office, in Room 3422 WSC, will get a gift certificate, and runners-up will get T-shirts or pencils. Students interested in volunteering can also contact the office.