"Honor Week" reminds students of commitments - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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"Honor Week" reminds students of commitments

By Summer McCann

BYU''s Student Honor Association is sponsoring 'Honor Week' in an effort to promote the standards and message of the Honor Code.

'BYU is a very unique and special school because of the Honor Code,' said William Varner, vice president of the Student Honor Association. 'We want to make sure students appreciate the chance they have to attend a college that upholds such guidelines.'

The Student Honor Association is hosting various activities throughout the week that promote the different aspects of the Honor Code, said Jeanie Papic, SHA coordinator.

'We are addressing everything from modest dress to academic honesty,' she said.

The fifth annual Honor Week began Tuesday, Nov. 27 with 'Honorpalooza,' at the WSC terrace.

The Folk Music Ensemble performed along with Syncopation, as students were reminded that they would be 'crowned with honor' if they kept the commitment they had made to live the Honor Code.

'Not only do we want to remind people of the Honor Code, we want to encourage living honestly and having integrity at all times,' Varner said.

There will be booths set up around campus with volunteers handing out gold ribbons to make people aware that it is Honor Week, said Kerri Hatch, member of the executive team of the SHA.

Prizes and gift certificates will be given to students spotted wearing the ribbons throughout the week, Hatch said.

On Thursday, the SHA will promote dressing modestly as they hand out free hot chocolate to students on campus, said Tyson Hamilton, former president of the SHA.

'The theme is 'staying warm with honor.' Some people have a tendency to overlook the modesty requirements of the Honor Code and how important they are,' Hamilton said.

The SHA is also sponsoring a booth reminding students to have academic integrity, Hatch said.

'With finals approaching, this is a very stressful time for many students. It''s a good opportunity to remind everyone of how important honesty is, no matter how tempting or harmless cheating may seem,' Hatch said.

Honor Week will conclude Saturday, Dec. 1 with a special event for the married couples who attend BYU.

'Sister Bateman will speak on how to honor your spouse in marriage,' Papic said.

'Living honorably also means having integrity and love in your marriage and family relationships,' she said.

The goal of the Student Honor Association is to promote living the Honor Code, Varner said.

'We don''t police or enforce the standards, we simply stress the rewards and blessings that come from following its principles,' he said.