Honor Week to be celebrated through performance - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Honor Week to be celebrated through performance

By Erin Fife

The Student Honor Association is having a talent show and a fashion show to highlight Honor Week.

The talent show is April 2 at 7 p.m. in the JSB Auditorium.

The fashion show is April 4 at noon in the WSC Terrace.

At the fashion show, students will model clothes donated by the BYU Bookstore, said Andria Uale, a student assistant for SHA.

Models will wear all different styles of clothing to show that it is possible to be modest no matter what, Uale said.

'The best way to learn things is by example,' Uale said.

A lot of students come to BYU with the idea that they won''t dress in style if they follow the honor code. The fashion show will show that people can still express themselves uniquely when they dress according to standards.

The fashion show will take place during Honorpalooza. During Honorpalooza, several different bands will entertain students in the terrace. The entertainment will include the Dixieline Band, Salsa Combo and the Asian Club.

Honor encompasses all parts of life, said Le''o Latu, a student assistant for SHA.

The clothing a person wears and the music they listen to changes how they act, Latu said.

'Crouching honor hidden talents' is the theme of the talent show.

This theme was chosen because sometimes students tend to hide their talents, said Hannah Johnson, a student assistant for SHA. SHA wants to encourage students to share their talents, she said.

The scriptures say that people are blessed with certain talents and they need to be expressed to others so everyone can learn, Johnson said.

'By showing our talents, we are not only honoring ourselves, but our heavenly father,' said Analee Christensen, a student assistant for SHA.

The acts are very high quality, Johnson said. No one is going to lip sync. There will be guitar acts, singers, D.J.''s and cloggers, Johnson said.

In between acts there will be kung fu fight scenes, Christensen said.