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Honor Week to honor Christmas



The Student Honor Association is kicking off the Christmas season with its annual Honor Week, which will promote Christ-like values, such as honor and integrity. The activities for the week will start Nov. 29 and will end Dec. 3.

Megan Rasmussen, 19, a sophomore from Orem majoring in humanities, and vice president for SHA, said the focus of Honor Week this semester is Christmas and the importance of the season.

SHA president, Spencer Goo, 22, a junior from Laie, Hawaii, majoring in exercise science, said he wanted students to remember that the process of living an honorable life is patterned after the life of the Savior.

'Honor Week is to remind students that living with honor helps us to become more like Christ, who has all honor and glory,' Goo said.

Honor Week will consist of different activities and themes for every day, Rasmussen said.

SHA members will give out hot chocolate on Monday, Rasmussen said. Students can write a commitment for the Christmas season on an ornament that will be placed on the honor tree. The commitment will be something they are willing to do this season to make it a season of honor, Rasmussen said.

Tables placed on different parts of campus every day will allow students to write on the ornaments, not just on the table that will be placed at Wilkinson Way on Monday, Rasmussen said.

Tuesday will be 'Thank your shining star day,' which will allow students to make cards for people they look up to and who are examples to them.

'Students will make cards for someone that exemplifies the light of Christ,' Goo said.

Angels will be the theme for Wednesday. A voluntary choir will be caroling over campus all day, Rasmussen said.

Thursday's theme will be 'Ring with honor.' Honorpalooza will be held in the Terrace of the Wilkinson Student Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Rasmussen said. There will be different dance and musical groups performing, including a string symphony.

The theme for the last day, Friday, will be gifts. Randy Bott, with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints church history department, will speak at the Pardoe Theatre in the Harris Fine Arts Center at 12 p.m. Bott will speak about the gift of Christ.

Goo said he expects to have more people involved this year because they will actually be participating in the various events.