A report of a sick person in the Smith Fieldhouse was made. BYU EMS treated the individual and the scene was cleared.
A report was made of a student having a seizure in the Engineering Research Lab. No further assistance was needed.
Welfare check
A report was made of an individual crying near the Foreign Language Center. Officers could not find the person.
A student reported that he had been assaulted by another individual at the Cannon Center. Both individuals were interviewed and the victim declined to file charges.
Fire odor
A report was made of a smokey odor near the LaVell Edwards Stadium. The area was checked and nothing was found.
Lost property
A student lost his phone in the Jesse Knight Building. An officer advised him to check the lost and found in the Wilkinson Student Center. The student was able to retrieve his phone from there.
A smoke alarm was triggered at Wyview Park. The residents advised that steam from a hot shower must have triggered the alarm. No smoke or flames were present.
A duress alarm was triggered in an imaging room at the McDonald Building. An employee was working in the room with three small children, one of whom had pressed the duress alarm button.
A door alarm was triggered by a door that was propped open in the Smith Field House. An officer closed the door.
A snowplow collided with a parked vehicle in Lot 16. The vehicle’s owner was advised to contact BYU Risk Management to receive compensation for damages.
Citizen contact
A student was walking on the south side of Heritage Halls when five snowballs were thrown in his direction, narrowly missing him. He thought he heard a racial slur from the person throwing the snowballs. Investigators will continue to collect possible surveillance footage of the incident.