Letter: A perspective on EFY

On behalf of the EFY program, having worked as a session director the past two summers, I would like to apologize to anyone who...

Letter: By students, for students

In response to the author of “Fed up with Universe” (7/21), I have a few things I’d like to say.If you don’t want to...

Letter: Combatting distractions

I was surprised to read about interruptions a student is experiencing. I have a difficult time concentrating and can understand frustration with EFY participants.This...

Letter: Enraged by entitlement

I know this isn’t the first letter to try to explain things to narrow-minded students, but they need to realize how truly blessed they...

Letter: Fed up with Universe

I have been reading this newspaper for four years now, but I’ve finally had enough.No matter how bored I am, I am never going...

Letter: Finding our free will

As a senior at BYU and a reader of The Daily Universe since my freshman year, I enjoy the Reader’s Forum. I enjoy learning...
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