First Latin American Forum on Journalism and Religion held at BYU

The BYU School of Communications, BYU International Center for Law and Religion Studies and International Association of Religion Journalists held the first First Latin American Forum on Journalism and Religion on March 23-24.
Twenty journalists from throughout Latin America and the U.S., communication professionals and human rights experts met at the Hinckley Center to hear speakers and panel discussions at a two-day forum.
Many BYU students and professors attended the event as well using interpreters.
BYU Honors students show off work at thesis poster session

The BYU Honors Program held its Thesis Poster Session on March 23.
Honors tudents gathered at the Hinckley Center to share their thesis and eat kolaches. The students have spent 2-4 semesters working on their theses containing their original and creative scholarly work.
The BYU Honors Program seeks to add to students' experience by providing additional research, and professional, hands-on opportunities.