The Provo Police Department honored officers wounded or killed on duty with a memorial flag ceremony on Monday morning. National Police Week began on May 15, and it recognizes America's law enforcement, especially those who have lost their lives.
The Provo Police Department honored six officers killed on duty with a memorial flag ceremony Monday morning.
The department and officers’ loved ones remembered officers Albert O.H. Bowen, killed in 1873; William Strong, killed in 1899; Frank Tucker, killed in 1904; Norman Nisson, 1995; Trenton Halladay, 2006; and Joseph W. Shinners, 2019.
In 1962, Congress established the week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week to recognize law enforcement officers who give their lives in the line of duty.
This year, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. honored Provo Police Officer Trenton Halladay, who died of cancer because of a chemical exposure as an undercover drug cop.