Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encouraged members to remember the importance of Jesus Christ and sacred covenants during the Saturday Women's Session of General Conference.
The session was opened with a talk from President Dallin H. Oaks explaining the inclusion of the women's session. The evening sessions were reinstated after being previously announced to be retired. President Oaks continued to say the session would address issues that concern Latter-day Saint women specifically.
'We honor the daughters of God in this special session by concentrating on their concerns and those of their organizations,' President Oaks said.
Sister Susan H. Porter, the first counselor of the Primary General Presidency, spoke about those who may feel lost or without purpose in their lives. Sister Porter said despite questions about where one is going in their life, Jesus Christ has allowed all to fulfill their purpose through repentance and healing on earth through His Atonement.

Sister Rebecca L. Craven of the Young Women's General Presidency spoke about the importance of effort and commitment to the cause of the Lord. She emphasized the importance of taking action and working to strengthen faith.
Sister Craven also posed the question: what mattereth most? She invited listeners to ponder the importance of their daily worries, such as trivial worries about social media versus more important questions about their relationship with God.
'It takes effort to stay focused on what is truly essential for lasting joy. Satan would love nothing more than for us to misplace our eternal values, leading us to waste precious time, talents or spiritual strength on things that matter not. I invite each of us to prayerfully consider those things that distract us from doing what mattereth most,' Sister Craven said.
Relief Society General President Jean B. Bingham emphasized the importance of keeping covenants made in baptism and in the temple. President Bingham testified that keeping covenants can help through experiences where one might need help and grace from the Lord throughout their lives.
She also spoke about the importance of trusting Jesus Christ to be an anchor to keep us from falling when one is struggling with a trial.
'The spiritual equipment that keeps us from being broken on the rocks of adversity is our testimony of Jesus Christ and the covenants we make. We can rely on these supports to guide and carry us to safety. As our willing partner, the Savior will not allow us to fall beyond His reach,' President Bingham said.

The session's closing remarks were provided by Elder Dale G. Renlund. He spoke about the Young Women's theme and the truths it espouses. He testified of the worth each woman has simply because she is a spirit daughter of God.
Elder Renlund also spoke about how some may have trouble understanding God's love for them whether it be through becoming distant from the Holy Ghost or through mental illness.
Elder Renlund testified about Heavenly Mother and reminded the women of the Church while there is not much known about her, it is expected members may want to do more research on the subject. He cautioned members from being led astray.
'Seeking greater understanding is an important part of our spiritual development, but please be cautious. Reason cannot replace revelation,' Elder Renlund said.
He also cautioned members from worshipping and praying to Heavenly Mother. He asked those who are curious for further revelation to wait through the timetable the Lord has established and to trust in Him.
Elder Renlund emphasized the importance of following God's covenant path in order to receive His blessings. He also reminded members the Atonement allows people to repent and cleanse themselves, allowing them to continue down the covenant path.
'When we sincerely repent, no spiritual scar remains, no matter what we have done, how serious it was or how many times we repeated it,' Elder Renlund said.
Elder Renlund concluded his talk by speaking of the importance of strengthening faith in order to strengthen future homes and families. He emphasized the importance of making sacred covenants in order to receive the strength necessary to continue.
'Our Heavenly Father wants you to become His heir and receive all that He has. He cannot offer you more. He cannot promise you more. He loves you more than you know and wants you to be happy in this life and in the life to come,' he said.