Provo Fire and Rescue extricated a driver from a truck that crashed into a sign outside BYU on Wednesday.
The driver had minor injuries and was alert when the fire department arrived, the department reported in a Facebook post following the incident. The individual was transported to an emergency room for examination.
The truck flipped forward into the sign on the west end of campus near 200 East on Cougar Boulevard. Provo Fire and Rescue Captain Sam Armstrong told The Daily Universe the accident was not as devastating as it appeared to onlookers.
“The car took the brunt of the damage,” Armstrong said.
Provo Police Sgt. Nisha King said another vehicle involved in the incident was traveling west on Cougar Boulevard when they failed to yield while turning left on Canyon Road. The truck that collided with the BYU sign was traveling east on Cougar, swerved to miss the unyielding vehicle, and hit the curb below the sign. King said the truck flipped forward 180 degrees and ended up in a tailspin.
The other driver involved in the incident was cited at the scene for a failure to yield. No further investigation is deemed necessary at this time, King said.