BYU Women's Conference will be completely online this year without any on-campus gatherings, the university announced Friday.
Both paid and complimentary sessions will be available through the conference website related to this year's theme, 'I am a Child of God. His Promises are Sure.' One of the seven complimentary sessions will feature Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Melanie Rasband. Registration and session information can be found here.
The other six complimentary sessions available will include a Sister to Sister event and messages from selected presidency members of Church organizations.

'While we will miss gathering with you on campus, we are happy that we can gather with you virtually and share the spirit of BYU Women’s Conference with you in your home,' the 2021 BYU Women’s Conference Committee announced on their website.
Some of the topics for this year's conference include: fostering understanding and unity in a divisive world, preparing children to live in a world of wondrous diversity, understanding differences between shame and guilt and encouraging women to speak out and speak up.
BYU also announced they are looking for original musical compositions or arrangements related to this year's theme. Submissions are due March 1. More information can be found on the conference website.