Safety tips for winter driving


Driving during the winter can be an icy situation. It is important to prepare your car for the upcoming winter. Many college students feel overwhelmed and unprepared for driving during the coming winter months, but staying on top of your car maintenance prevents accidents and reduces driving anxieties.

To start, you’ll want to take your car in for a tune-up to get an idea of what wear and tear your car has endured over the past year. Make sure they check your battery, ignition, emission filters, heater and brakes.

 “Make sure you have good breaks, because you have to pump your breaks in the snow a lot,” said Johanna Esplin, an experienced winter driver.  

During your tune-up, you should also have them change your oil and antifreeze. Change out your washer fluid and windshield wipers with an antifreeze solution.  You will also want to check your tire pressure. Be sure to check your tire tread to gauge wear and tear. If you have snow tires, put them on your car now. If your car has four-wheel drive, review how to use it before the snow hits.

“When I drove my car out from Ohio to Utah, I drove through a blizzard and a lot of the roads were salted. My car was squealing because the belts were really dry. The mechanic said it was because I didn’t get lubricant for my belts before I made the trip in the snow,” said Joseph Hoffart.

“Make sure you get car washes that wash the undercarriage in Utah because the roads are so salted that it does that. But if you get a car washed that washes the undercarriage, then it solves the problem,” added Esplin.

Keeping your gas tank full during the winter will prevent condensation from freezing and blocking the fuel lines. Invest in a snow brush or an ice scraper and keep them in easy reach in your car.

Following these simple tips will prepare you and your car for winter in Utah. 

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