Y-Serve is hosting an on-campus service opportunity for volunteers who want to help sew masks for frontline caregivers.
BYU has joined with Utah's other secondary education institutions in support of ProjectProtect's 'Sew Your True Colors' campaign. The campaign invites universities across the state to join efforts to provide masks for health care workers by sewing masks using thread that match the school's colors.

ProjectProtect is a collaboration between Intermountain Healthcare, University of Utah Health, Latter-day Saint Charities and non-profits throughout the state. Its goal is to sew 5 million masks for frontline caregivers. As of May 20, ProjectProtect has received 3,930,000 masks from 39,300 volunteers.

Y-Serve began hosting its ProjectProtect station on May 18, and made a goal to sew 500 masks during its two weeks hosting the volunteer station. Y-Serve director Chris Crippen said volunteers at their station have managed to sew about 200 masks already. The project is currently the only Y-Serve opportunity available and allows for precautions such as social distancing and wearing face masks.

Organization of the event was encouraged by BYU's dean of students and included collaboration with other organizations, such as Stitching Hearts Worldwide, whose director helped obtain kits for Y-Serve's event. Sewing machines were provided by BYU's on-campus housing and as repairs on the machines were made, there was room for more volunteers.

Y-Serve's ProjectProtect station is located in the Wilkinson Student Center, and volunteers are welcomed from 10 a.m. - noon and 2-4 p.m. every weekday until May 29. Interested volunteers can sign up for one-hour blocks during those time frames.