Free new parent training event coming to campus


Dr. Aaron McCoy, a representative of Utah Valley Pediatrics, will present at an event on Wednesday, Dec. 4, for first-time and expecting parents.

McCoy will talk about keeping newborns healthy and will be available for the majority of the event to answer any questions new parents may have. The event will take place at 6 p.m. in B060 Joseph Fielding Smith Building.

(Lathum Nelson)

McCoy provided some insights for parents who won’t be able to attend:

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help

McCoy said there are a lot of resources available to new parents and parents often feel afraid to ask.

“Family, pediatricians office, friends who have been there and done that,” McCoy said. “These are all options people tend to forget about. You aren’t doing this alone.”

Don’t expect to do everything perfectly

For every new parent, it can be overwhelming to take on the responsibility of raising a child.

“It’s intimidating, and a lot of parents expect perfection from themselves,” McCoy said. “Kids are pretty resilient. Their needs are pretty simple. You are probably doing great.”

Get advice from the right places

According to McCoy, “There’s a lot of information out there on the internet. Some of it is good, and some of it is not. That can be hard for new parents to navigate. If you’re looking for answers, you need to get it from a reputable place.”

McCoy will provide more details and other tips that can assist new parents at the event. He will be available to help answer questions like, “How soon can I take my infant out into public?” and, “What is normal sleeping for a newborn?” 

A large portion of the event will be dedicated to a Q&A panel. McCoy said this can help new parents identify signs of critical health issues every parent should be aware of, including SIDS, weight loss, difficulty breathing, high temperatures, rashes and color changes.

McCoy invites all parents and couples who are planning on having a child to attend. To RSVP, call (801) 373-8930.

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