This screenshot shows the Google ad campaign promoting BYU's Q&A article about the Honor Code Office.
BYU has launched a Google ad campaign promoting a Q&A article it wrote to shape the conversation about the Honor Code Office.
The ad appears above news stories when combinations of the words 'BYU Honor Code Office' are searched in Google.
BYU Online Communications Director Joe Hadfield confirmed the ad campaign is from the university to help people looking for information about the Honor Code Office see the Q&A.
He also said a number of departments at BYU use keyword ads for a variety of goals and said the university is 'continuing to engage in helpful dialogue with our students' about the Honor Code Office, but he did not elaborate on the next step in the controversy.
The Q&A article with new BYU Honor Code Office director Kevin Utt says Utt has been meeting with students to hear concerns and answer questions. It addresses some of the most common concerns about the Honor Code Office, such as the purpose of the office, the office's relationship with the Title IX Office and protocols when someone is accused of violating the Honor Code.
'Our goal is to help students come back into good standing as quickly as possible. We want students to succeed here,' the article reads.
The university released the Q&A article April 10 in response to recent controversy over the BYU Honor Code Office, started by Instagram account Honor Code Stories. It features anonymous stories of people's negative Honor Code Office experiences and has over 37,000 followers as of April 22.
Shortly after the Instagram account began receiving widespread attention, student protests calling for Honor Code Office reform took place at BYU-Idaho and BYU's main campus. The latter protest has received national news coverage from outlets such as the New York Times, NPR and Newsweek.
The Daily Universe also recently published submissions from BYU students expressing a variety of opinions about Honor Code Office reform.