Highlights from BYU colleges


College of Family, Home and Social Sciences

John. H. Zenger, the Co-founder and CEO of Zener Folkman, has been recognized as the 2018 Alumni Achievement Lecturer by the BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. (Tabitha Sumsion/BYU Photo)
  • John H. Zenger can be described as “an enlightened doer.” As co-founder and CEO of Zenger Folkman, Zenger helps train hundreds of organizations every year, relaying the importance of using one’s strengths and passion to become a successful leader. Those who wish to learn more about Zenger and effective leadership can attend his lecture, “Can We Mass-Produce Exceptional Leaders?” on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. in 250 KMBL. To find alumni speakers from each college, click here.

Marriott School of Business

BYU Marriott students explored attractions in Asia during a summer study abroad. (Hunter Hutchins)
  • BYU Marriott School students explored New Zealand, Australia and various countries in Asia during the Asia Pacific Study Abroad this summer. While abroad, the students’ business and cultural knowledge was expanded as they met with business professionals and experienced unique foreign cultures.

College of Fine Arts and Communications

Jaren Wilkey/BYU Photo
Associate professor of design Brent Barson received a BFA from BYU in 1997 and an MFA from the Art Center College of Design in 2003. (BYU Photo)
  • Department of Design professor Brent Barson was recognized in the Communication Arts’ Design Annual issue for his work on the Motion Design Education (MODE) conference 2017 opening titles video. Barson uses complex rendering programs to juxtapose primitive communication of body movements with advanced modern day technology. He expressed gratitude for the recognition in receiving the most prestigious and widely known award in the field.

College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Thomas Erekson is the science department chair at Lone Peak High School. Since graduating from BYU, he has made countless contributions to the physics community. (Lifetouch, Inc.)
  • Thomas L. Erekson will be awarded with this year’s Alumni Achievement Award by the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He has co-authored the Utah Physics Curriculum, which has been used for the past 15 years, and has won awards at the district, state and national level for his hard work and dedication. Erekson’s lecture “Physics for All” will be held Thursday, Oct. 11 at 11 a.m. in 1170 TMCB. To find alumni speakers from each college, click here.

Harold B. Lee Library

In October 2016, the HBLL hosted an event where guests could hold a first edition of the Book of Mormon. This year, the HBLL will be hosting events throughout American Archives Month for the public to participate in, including this same opportunity to hold a first edition of the Book of Mormon. (BYU Library)
  • With October being American Archives Month, the Harold B. Lee Library is hosting a variety of events to allow people to dive into history. Activities include a lecture by Kenneth L. Alford on Oct. 10, a “Home Movie” day on Oct. 20 and the popular “Hold a First Edition Book of Mormon Day” on Oct. 16.

Click the buttons below to go to each of the colleges news page, or see University news here.

[vc_btn title=”Family, Home and Social Sciences ” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ffhss.byu.edu%2FPages%2Fhome.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Ira A Fulton College of Engineering and Technology” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.et.byu.edu%2Fcollege-news||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fkennedy.byu.edu%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Marriott School of Management” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmarriottschool.byu.edu%2F||” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”David O. McKay School of Education” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feducation.byu.edu%2Fnews||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Life Sciences” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Flifesciences.byu.edu%2FResources%2FCollegeNews.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Humanities” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhumanities.byu.edu%2Fmedia-gallery%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Fine Arts and Communications” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcfac.byu.edu%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Nursing” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fnursing.byu.edu%2Fabout%2Fnews%2FNewsArchive.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcpms.byu.edu%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”J. Reuben Clark Law School” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law2.byu.edu%2Fnews2%2Fhome.php||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Religious Education” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Freligion.byu.edu%2Fevents||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]

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