Eric Corpuz and his a cappella group, Beyond Measure, rehearse before the ICCA Quarterfinal in 2016. (Natalie Stoker/BYU Photo)
Eric Corpuz has enjoyed music his entire life. But it wasn’t until he served a mission for the LDS Church that he discovered his love of singing — a skill that would lead him to co-found a co-ed a cappella group at BYU called Beyond Measure.
Corpuz’s passion led Beyond Measure to place first in this year’s Southwest Quarterfinal of the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella competition. The group received the highest score they’ve ever achieved in the competition. Corpuz was awarded for outstanding choreography, and the group placed fourth in the Southwest Semifinal round.
Corpuz’s singing career began when a mission companion saw potential in his musical abilities. He said singing quickly became important to him and made efforts to improve his talent.
'My companion really believed in me and he really encouraged me to develop my talent,' Corpuz said.
After coming home from his mission, Corpuz decided he wanted to join an a cappella group at BYU. Corpuz noticed there weren't any co-ed groups on campus that had excelled and decided to start a group of his own. He, with the help of his friend Skyler Holman, held auditions and formed the group.
'The name Beyond Measure comes from the hymn 'Have I Done Any Good?'' Corpuz said.
He said they wanted a name that reflected both the group and their music. One of their goals is to spread the gospel as they sing.
Corpuz said his favorite part about his role as the group's director was the people he met and performed with.
'There’s just something really special about getting to sing with people that you love,' Corpuz said.

Jordan Cho, Annalece Weber, Spencer Davis and Andrew Robinson are all members of the 2017–2018 cast of Beyond Measure. (Sadie Anderson)
Beyond Measure member Spencer Davis said Corpuz was great at getting to know the members, always willing to take time to understand and care for people and their needs.
'I sincerely believe that anyone can be your best friend,' Corpuz said.
Beyond Measure member Andrew Robinson said Corpuz was willing to honestly tell members when their singing isn’t up to par.
'I appreciate that honesty because it helps me get better,' Robinson said. 'When he does tell you, 'you sound good,' you know you can believe him.'
Corpuz said his goal as a director was to help both the singers and the audience members leave performances feeling uplifted and strengthened.
'There’s nothing that invites the Spirit faster than music,' according to Corpuz.
To help encourage this, Corpuz instigated a group scripture study at the start of every rehearsal.

Beyond Measure rehearses three times a week three hours in the basement of the HFAC. (Sadie Anderson)
'I think our group scripture study is one of the things that really holds this group together and sets us apart,' Beyond Measure member Jordan Cho said.
Cho said he believes it’s one of the most important things they do when it comes to lifting each other up.
Besides sharing their beliefs, Corpuz said another purpose of the group is to have fun. He said he hopes people who come to their shows leave feeling like they can face the next day with a smile and a light heart.
Beyond Measure member Annalyse Webber said Corpuz helped the group have fun with his infectious energy and enthusiasm.
Corpuz graduated from BYU in April with a degree in business. He said even though he is leaving, he will always be attached to Beyond Measure. He said he will always help whether or not he is directing the group himself.
'I will be doing music 'til the day I die,' Corpuz said.
He said Beyond Measure has changed him and he hopes the group will continue to help uplift and inspire others.