Jan. 10 - An individual reported discovering a hard drive taken from a computer.
Jan. 12 - An individual reported a coat taken near the Wilkinson Student Center.
Jan. 16 - A subcontractor at the Clyde Building reported a stolen drill and saw worth a combined $370.
Jan. 17 - An individual reported the theft of a $200 floor polishing tool from the Richards Building.
Jan. 17 - A male student reported missing medication from a refilled prescription.
Jan. 15 - A male student reported assault from another male student that occurred during a basketball game at the RB.
Orem/Provo Area
Jan. 16 - A man was arrested for DUI after he was found passed out on the I-15 southbound off-ramp for the 800 North exit.
Jan. 16 - Two individuals were cited for hot sauce theft at the Orem Black Bear Diner.
Jan. 17 - A woman was cited for shoplifting a yeti cupholder and headlamp from Ridley's.
Speeding, Fleeing Police
Jan. 17- A man was arrested after driving 80 mph on State Street and fleeing police. Police found the man at the Orem Little Caesars.
Jan. 16 - Two men were arrested for possession of heroin and paraphernalia.
Jan. 17 - Police cited a man for driving without a valid license and having meth in his vehicle.