Readers’ Forum


BYU married housing

Married housing? When it is impossible to find, you might as well not get married. BYU has been increasing its student housing, but since married housing spots are so limited, BYU should be more focused on that. With an average of $800 a month, which means $9600 yearly for two people, is just not realistic. Getting married is supposed to be the happiest time in your life, but it becomes so stressful when there are no spots for housing anywhere near BYU.

For most off-campus housing, you need a car to drive 15 minutes to school, which can cost a lot of money when you don’t have a car or money for gas. BYU shouldn’t be worried about student activities as much as they should as housing. Mormons are known to get married early, and if the number of freshman getting married each year keeps increasing, soon people will have to transfer out of BYU because they are too stressed with the housing situation. This problem could simply be fixed by taking a few of the Heritage or Helaman Hall buildings and transform it into married housing… problem solved. BYU just is overcomplicating how hard finding married housing is.

— Kayla Slaven

Seattle, Washington

Intramural office

Yesterday I arrived at my intramural game, went to check in, and was told that I had an “invalid form.” My fee was paid, I filled out the online waiver, and I’m over 18.  Literally no one knew what the problem was.  All I could do was go into the office and figure out what was wrong. My team ended up not being able to put a full squad on the field and we lost the game by four.  I’m not saying that I’m the greatest Frisbee player and that I am a game changer, but when the difference is 6 against 7 and the other team has 15 substitutes, it makes a difference.

I went into the intramural office to resolve the issue which none of the employees seemed to know how to resolve.  I stated that I had an “invalid form” and that I came in to fix it.  The employee said: “Oh yeah, we put your information in and for some reason it said you were ineligible.  You aren’t ineligible, and the system is correct now.”   That was the whole explanation. 

I responded, “Well, I wish I had known that there was a problem before I went to the game.”  The response of the two employees in the office: “We wish that too.”  That was it.  No apology or explanation of how they are working on making sure things like that don’t happen again.  If they had a question, they could have just called me and resolved it.  Five minutes is all it would have taken.  This seeming inability to problem solve in the moment caused me to gather a list of complaints about the intramural office from former and current intramural athletes:

“The beard rules are way stricter than the testing center.  If I can take a test, I should be able to play Frisbee.”

“I tore my ACL, and the official immediately brought a liability waiver.  I was going to the E.R., I think your waiver can wait.”

“They should stop making up their own extra rules for all the sports, like a goal in soccer is worth 2 points if a girl makes it.”

This is just a list of comments I’ve received.  I can only imagine what other people have to say about the way intramurals are run. 

— Tianna Buckley

Camp Verde, Arizona

BYU parking

In 2017, a survey was conducted of three BYU students.  Of the three, one mentioned safety concerns because of lack of parking; two gave testimonials of bad experiences parking; and all three were concerned with the persistent problem of parking.  In all seriousness, parking has been discussed for a long time at BYU, and now is the time to do something about it.

The first concern that is raised is that of safety.  When close parking spaces are unavailable late at night, students are forced to walk alone, in the dark, which is a major concern, especially for girls.  A second problem students face is the consumption of time when they must park their car 20 minutes away from their house.  That time is valuable and would better be spent studying for American Heritage.  Finally, there is a major concern that BYU housing doesn’t provide adequate parking spaces for the number of residents.  BYU has tried some strategies to fix these problems, but they haven’t tackled the core problem of adding more parking spaces.

Instead of creating closer parking spots for safety, they have found people who can walk students home at night and have made buttons to press in case of emergency.  While this is a good start, more needs to be done, such as building parking garages. Join our cause.

— Jalen Morgan

Ashburn, Virginia

— Awnaka Killpack

Highland, Utah

— Jaclyn Boekhout

Highland, Illinois

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