On Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1954 Universe Managing Editor Dick Overson wrote about parking costs and the issues that occur with parking in the muddy campus parking lot.
Students still have problems with parking 63 years later, but their parking lots are fortunately paved.

TREAD CAREFULLY — Students and cars vie for the right-of-way at more than one intersection on this campus. Both car occupants and pedestrians usually have classes to attend with a limited amount of time to get there. Caution must be the watchword for everyone.
Approximately $10,000 will be taken in this year from student parking fees, and this amount will barely defray the expenses incurred in handling traffic, according to Pres. William F. Edwards, vice president in charge of finances for the Brigham Young University.
One thousand and eight cars paid the full $5 fee fall quarter for a total of $5,040 while 821 paid the $2 fall quarter fee totaling $1,642. Approximately $100 was taken in from other fees making a total of $6,782 for fall quarter. Thus, when the approximately 820 students who are paying by the quarter par their additional $4 the total for the year should reach around $10,000.
Estimated costs total approximately $8,900, although this figure may be shaved somewhat. This includes signs and installations, decals, printing and a salary budget covering the wages of the traffic officer and the head of the traffic department. This latter item is by far the largest, exceeding $7,000.

PARK IN MUD — Puddles and muddy ruts dot the campus parking lot whenever the weather is bad. The situation needs correcting, but the pertinent question is 'How?' The choice is either to walk to the campus or slosh around in wet and muddy shoes after driving a car.
Not Adequate
The remaining $1,100 is not adequate to cover the maintenance expenses on the present parking lots, although such maintenance admittedly leaves something to be desired. This figure includes cost of snow removal, which has not as yet been a factor this year.
According to the Traffic office, while a considerable number of tickets have been given out, only about 20 per cent have been paid, while nearly 80 per cent have been excused when the student presented his side of the story. Thus the income from tickets has been nominal.
It has been established as University Policy that those students who drive cars should pay for the expenses incurred by traffic, and that students who do not drive should not share in this expense.
Expansion Program
The university in the midst of an expansion program at the present time, and it was pointed out that while the administration is willing to improve the parking areas, it cannot do so due to the fact that the area west of the Science building will have construction on it by March, and the other parking area will be usable only this year and perhaps next. As soon as the present areas become impractical, due to construction, the University will have the permanent parking area, which is north of the north entrance to the campus paved and ready for use.