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Cities ordered to show when BYU workers accessed police logs

BYU Police vehicles are parked west of the JKB, where BYU Police headquarters is located. (Sadie Blood)

BYU Police vehicles are parked west of the JKB, where BYU Police headquarters is located. BYU Police requested and are currently undergoing an investigation. (Sadie Blood)

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah public records officials are ordering the Provo and Orem police departments to release a report showing any time a BYU employee accessed police records.

The decision by Utah's Records Committee Thursday is a partial victory for The Salt Lake Tribune, which requested the records.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports the records committee ordered the police departments to release a report showing when BYU workers in accessed a police database in the past 18 months. The committee said police should redact the names of victims, suspects and the BYU employee who accessed the file.

The decision comes as federal education officials investigate the school's sexual assault policy, and state police review whether BYU officers inappropriately shared sexual assault case information, leading to honor code investigations of students who reported assault.