President Thomas S. Monson addressed the significance of priesthood power and admonished Latter-day Saint men to live worthy of such power in their lives.
President Thomas S. Monson (LDS Church)
President Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, concluded the priesthood session of the 186th Annual General Conference after presiding over the session.
'Wherever you go, your priesthood goes with you,' President Monson said. 'Are you standing in holy places? Before you put yourself and your priesthood in jeopardy by venturing into places or participating in activities which are not worthy of you or that priesthood, pause to consider the consequences.'
He shared the story of a friend during World War II who was shot down over the South Pacific. Stranded, he and several other crew members struggled to survive. After three days, a rescue vessel passed by, but didn't notice them. The next day, the same thing happened, and the men knew they wouldn't have another chance.
'Then the Holy Spirit spoke to my friend: 'You have the priesthood. Command the rescuers to pick you up,'' President Monson recounted. The man followed his prompting, calling upon the priesthood to command the ship to turn around. The men were saved because of a worthy priesthood holder 'blessing his life and the lives of others.'
President Monson asked the assembled brethren of the church to recommit to faithful service and to bless those around them.
'I say to you that you are 'a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,'' concluded President Monson. 'May we ever be worthy of these divine accolades, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ our savior, amen.'
See a summary of The Daily Universe's coverage of the April 2016 LDS General Conference.