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Missouri football players on strike, demand school president's resignation

A group of at least 30 players on the Missouri football team announced they will not participate in football activities until university president Tim Wolfe resigns.

They made the announcement through a tweet Saturday night from Missouri's Legion of Black Collegians.

University of Missouri president Tim Wolfe announced his resignation in response to the protest Monday morning.

The Tigers are scheduled to play the Cougars this Saturday at Arrowhead Stadium. It is currently unclear how the protest will affect the BYU game.

The Mizzou players are standing with the Concerned Student 1950 movement. For several months this organization has called for the university to address racism on campus. Missouri students use the hashtag #ConcernedStudent1950 on social media to discuss the issue.

This comes after several racial incidents on Missouri's campus. The most notorious incident being a swastika drawn with feces on a bathroom wall in one of the campus dorms. The university allegedly downplayed this incident. The administration has been under fire for how they have handled the situation, with Wolfe receiving the most heat.

'The department of athletics is aware of the declarations made tonight by many of our student-athletes,' a statement issued by Missouri on Saturday night said. 'We all must come together with leaders from across our campus to tackle these challenging issues and we support our student-athletes right to do so.'

Tiger football head coach Gary Pinkel tweeted that the coaching staff stands behind their players.