Elder Ronald A. Rasband, one of the newest members of the Quorum of the Twelve, began his testimony by sharing the lyrics of the hymn “I Stand All Amazed” and expressing his deep love for the Savior and the apostles who have passed on.
Elder Rasband spoke during the Sunday morning session of the October 2015 General Conference.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband gave his testimony to the Saints during the Sunday morning session of the Church's 185th Semiannual General Conference. (Mormon Newsroom)
The apostle also expressed his deep appreciation for those in his life who have helped him become who he is today, including his righteous pioneer ancestors, his wife and family, and his fellow brethren in the priesthood. He also gave credit to childhood friends and family, early leaders, teachers and lifelong mentors. Elder Rasband additionally mentioned the great impact that his missionary service has had on his life.
Sharing the love of God was the central message the new apostle shared.
'If I could leave one small message with you today it would be this: the Lord has said, 'Love one another; as I have loved you.''
He then said, 'I'm confident that there is no choice, sin or mistake that you or anyone else can make that will change his love for you or for them.'
Elder Rasband taught that this love is universal to all.
'Jesus Christ looked past people's ethnicity, rank, and circumstances in order to teach them this profound truth.'
The new member of the Quorum of the Twelve said he has been asked many times when he received his testimony. He answered that question by saying about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, 'I have loved them since I learned of them at the knees of my angel mother reading scripture and gospel stories.'
Elder Rasband concluded his testimony sharing his love for President Thomas S. Monson, Jesus Christ, and the Restoration of the gospel.
'As we follow our Prophet, I pray that we may have charity in our hearts towards others, and that we will become a living witness and indeed stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers us.'
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Slideshow: General Conference Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015
Women’s general session:
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Now is a part of eternity
Sister Carol F. McConkie: The Lord’s agents
Sister Linda S. Reeves: Rewards will come
Sister Rosemary M. Wixom: Divine nature within you
Saturday morning session:
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: It works!
Elder M. Russell Ballard: God is at the helm
Elder Richard J. Maynes: The joy of living a Christ-centered life
Sister Neill F. Marriott: Yielding our hearts to God
Elder Francisco J. Vinas: The pleasing word of God
Saturday afternoon session:
Elder Dallin H. Oaks: Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Bradley D. Foster: It’s never too early and it’s never too late
Elder Robert D. Hales: Meeting the challenges of today’s world
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: Behold thy mother
Priesthood session:
Sunday morning session:
President Thomas S. Monson: Be an example and a light
Elder Ronald A. Rasband: Love one another
Elder Gary E. Stevenson: Fulness of times
Elder Dale G. Renlund: Through God’s eyes
President Russell M. Nelson: A plea to my sisters
Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer: Let the clarion trumpet sound
Elder Claudio R.M. Costa: That they do always remember him
Sunday afternoon session:
President Henry B. Eyring: The Holy Ghost as your companion
Elder D. Todd Christofferson: Why the church
Elder Von G. Keetch: Blessed and happy are those who keep the commandments of God
Sister Carole M. Stephens: If ye love me, keep my commandments
Elder Allen D. Haynie: Remembering in whom we have trusted
Elder Kim B. Clark: Eyes to see and ears to hear
Brother Devin G. Durrant: My heart pondereth them continually
Elder Koichi Aoyagi: Hold on thy way
Elder David A. Bednar: Chosen to bear testimony of my name
Other conference-related coverage:
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