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Provo's Art Stroll showcases local talent

People view art in downtown Provo at Provo

People view art in downtown Provo at Provo's Art Stroll. (Bailey Fruit)

A live demonstration of Yoda drawn with chocolate syrup, photos of Utah and paintings of spiders were just some of the many art pieces that dotted downtown Provo Friday evening at the Provo Art Stroll.

The Art Stroll, displayed in 10 locations near Center Street, is hosted the first Friday of each month. Amidst the energy of Provo's final Rooftop Concert of 2015, these businesses encouraged all to enjoy the art work.

Visitors were able to meet the artists themselves. These artists live around Utah county, and many display works for sale at the event.

'I love this art show,' said Marilyn Hayes, Utah County Arts Board member. 'I like to be here when we have a show because I get to meet the artists.' Hayes greeted visitors at the Utah County Health and Justice building, which hosted several artists.

Within the Art Stroll is an 'Art Jam' at the Reclaim Event Center, where graphic design and animation artists demonstrated their skills. Brian Collier, a recent BYU graduate in graphic design, painted Yoda covered in chocolate syrup.

'I was actually imitating a drip style from an artist that I know personally who has mentored me,' Collier explains. 'I couldn't find the right paint to use so I was thinking, 'What can I use to get the rip that I want?' and I thought, chocolate syrup.'

This was Collier's first month at the Art Stroll as a featured artist. When asked about his purpose in the art show he said, 'In the end, it's not so much that what I do is going to be a finished piece that goes on to make bunch of money or anything. I don't even get paid. It's really just for connections and exposure.'

The Art Stroll isn't just a great place for artist exposure, said Kent Taylor, owner of B and H Pharmacy. 'One of the reasons for (hosting the stroll) is advertising,' Taylor said. 'It gets people into my store.'

Taylor gains new customers by saying, 'Provo city is really good in helping the businesses. It's been nice to work the city.'