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Abercrombie ditches shirtless marketing

Abercrombie & Fitch decided to get dressed. The company announced it will no longer use shirtless models to promote products and will do away with sexual marketing images.

In a press release on April 24, Abercrombie & Fitch stated, “By the end of July, there will no longer be sexualized marketing used in marketing materials, including in-store photos, gift cards, and shopping bags.” Abercrombie will turn up the store lights, turn down the music and will change the name of its employees from models to “brand representatives.”

Abercrombie also announced new guidelines for its employees, calling for them to be “neat, clean, natural and well-groomed.” The company will no longer hire employees based on body type or physical attractiveness. It has revoked its “look policy” and has instead adopted a dress code that “places fewer restrictions on associates.”