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Cougar Questions

Cougar Question: What do you do for a break during finals week?

07 14:30:39

Zachary Larkin, Psychology, Riverton, Utah
'Probably just play video games with my friends, because it's something to get my mind off finals.'

07 14:30:42

Raquel Stevens, Special Education, San Antonio, Texas
'I like to go outside and do stuff, like go on a run or watch a show'

Bryan Pearson

Jason Biehl, Information Systems, Sonora, California
'I try to find time to spend with my wife. Just watch a movie or a go out on a walk with her.'

07 14:30:49

Nate Lant, Civil Engineering, Draper, Utah
'I will go to the driving range at least once. I joined the Finance Society and they are having a golf tournament. My friends and I are going to try to win it.'

07 14:30:52

David McClellan, Global Supply Chain Management, Craig, Colorado
'Rock climbing is probably what I'll end up doing.'

Bryan Pearson

Tasha McClatchy, Communications Disorders, Brigham City, Utah
'If it is nice weather, my husband and I will go for a hike. Just to get some fresh air.'

Bryan Pearson

Caleb Tonkinson, Computer Science, Cleveland, Ohio
'I always try to get my finals done on the first day, so that I can do whatever I want after.'

Bryan Pearson

Melissa Low, Pre-nursing, Bountiful, Utah
 'Usually I'll go for a run, get some exercise or go out for ice cream with friends.'

Bryan Pearson

Ashley Metcalf, Computer Science, Birmingham, Alabama 
'For a break during finals week, I usually eat really bad food.'

Bryan Pearson

Hillary Willyerd, Molecular Biology, St. Louis, Missouri 
'For a break, I am either unpacking, or I am watching TV.'