Jenna Bolduc, pre-animation, South Jordan
'Easter egg hunts. I really enjoy the Starburst jelly beans that we get and we always get a book of Jesus. That's our tradition that we always do. Decorating eggs is always fun.'

Grant Mason, Business, Huntington Beach, California
'We wake up in the morning and make cinnamon and orange rolls and we scarf them down. And then we go on a huge Easter egg hunt.'

Faith Kennelly, Dietetics, Nashville, Tennessee
'My dad does this extravagant Easter egg hunt for all of us and he does a trail of Starburst jelly beans from our beds to the living room. It's still fun because we have the Easter egg hunts and my dad's pro at that.'

Jacob Jensen, Chemical Engineering, Salt Lake City
'Hiding Easter baskets and finding them with my family.'

Mikelle Pine, Nursing, Pleasant Grove
'I just like being outside on that Sunday, when it's Springtime and pretty outside.'

Roger Paulsen, Finance, Layton
'On Easter we all get together and paint eggs and then on Sunday morning we go around and my parents always hide the baskets. They've done that since I was three, and it's kind of funny because they still make us do it, but we're 25.'

Natalie Kokol, Pre-economics, American Fork
'My family's Jewish so we do Passover stuff a lot which is cool. We kind of incorporate it with Easter.'

Jarem Thueson, Business Finance, Rexburg, Idaho
'I enjoy the Easter dinner like ham, funeral potatoes, stuff like that.'

Dylan Gardener, Construction Management, Dallas, Texas
'Easter baskets, preparing baskets with my family, getting those together and doing Easter egg treasure hunts. Those are pretty fun as well.'

Rachel Hamilton, Illustration, Greensboro, North Carolina
'Dying eggs with my family.'