Relief Society General President Linda K. Burton posts about on Facebook about the examples of LDS women from whom she draws strength. (Facebook)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is participating in National Women’s History Month by showcasing women of the Church on its website and social media channels. It is using stories and pictures to highlight women with the Church History Department as a part of the National Women’s History Project.
The 2015 theme for the National Women’s History Project is 'Weaving the stories of women’s lives.' According to the project's website, it's also the 35th anniversary of the Women’s History Movement.

President Linda S. Reeves of the Relief Society General Presidency posts about a sewing kit passed down to her through her mother. (Facebook)
International Women's Day was Sunday, March 8, and around the world #internationalwomensday was used to mark tweets, posts and statuses. Many events were held throughout the world to commemorate the event.
The Church’s posts, which are shareable on Facebook and Twitter, feature women of the Church and their stories as told by either the Church History Department or a relative of the individual. The Church History Department features a daily series on its website called 'Women of Conviction,' which tells the stories of sisters who served in the Church and left a profound legacy for their future posterity.
Members of the Relief Society General Presidency have also taken to their personal Facebook pages to share inspirational stories of the women in their families. Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president, and her counselors, along with the Young Women’s general presidency, have shared many uplifting messages throughout the month using the hashtags #LDSwomen #LDShistory and #ShareGoodness.
The Relief Society celebrated its 173rd anniversary on March 17, and the current general presidency wrote an article reflecting on the history and purpose of the organization for Mormon Newsroom. Women, old and young, met in Salt Lake City on March 28 for the General Women’s Session of the 185th Annual General Conference of the Church.