Professional Russian dancers teach BYU students

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The ballroom department offered master dance classes from professional Latin dance couple Andrey Terosov and Yulia Kuznetsova to all dance levels in the ballroom department Feb. 17.

The ballroom department covered costs for the master class, making each class free for students.

Linda Wakefield is an adjunct instructor for the Ballroom Dance Division, and it was her idea for Terosov and Kuznetsova to teach a few things to BYU’s students.

Terosov and Kuznetsova are in the top four teams in the United States. They are currently competing in a dance competition and are in the top six of the finals.

“I’ve been judging them for a while now, and I really like their style,” Wakefield said. “It’s also been a while since we’ve had someone come and teach us Latin dancing.”

Wakefield further explained that it is nice to hear professional dancers break down dances and teach techniques outside of the BYU department.

This provided an opportunity for students to broaden their perspectives and learn from dance professionals.

BYU offers a list of beginner dance classes for any BYU student who wants to learn how to learn a little extra fancy footwork, including:

DANCE 131 Beginning Jazz
DANCE135 Beginning Tap
DANCE 140 Beginning Contemporary
DANCE 170 Beginning Recreational World
DANCE 171 Beginning Clog
DANCE 172 Beginning Western Square and Contra
DANCE 174 Beginning Ethnic Irish
DANCE 175 Beginning Ethnic Polynesian
DANCE 180 Beginning Social
DANCE 181 Beginning Country Western Social
DANCE 184 Beginning International Ballroom
DANCE 185 International Latin Ballroom
DANCE 190 Beginning Ballet
DANCE 192 Character Dance
STAC 104 Dance Aerobics

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