Failure to serve


I work for Access Support Services. As part of my job, I return key deposits to people who have failed to pick up the money once their keys are returned to the Key Office.

In one case, the person was out of state and could not pick up his key deposit. Instead of having BYU mail him a check, he sent a letter, requesting that the deposit be used to pay his outstanding Harold B. Lee Library fine.

With the person’s letter, ID number and cash in hand, I went to the HBLL. I explained to the student at the counter that I was there to pay the library fine for a former student who was no longer in Provo. The student employee informed me that the owner of the library fine had to come in person and pay the fine himself. I restated the fact that the person no longer lived in Provo, and I had the person’s authorizing letter, ID number and cash. Two more library workers came to back up the first employee in enforcing the rule that I could not pay the fine for someone else; I could only pay my own fines. Thank you, HBLL, for helping me “Go Forth to Serve.”

Valerie Haws

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