Modest fashion

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The young woman’s hand lightly grazes the rack of cloth and beads and sequins. Intuitively, she lets her fingers rest on a hanger. Could this be it? She pulls out a black dress, hope glimmering in her eyes. It would be the perfect dress … if only they added about a yard of fabric onto the skirt.

Shopping with standards can be frustrating. You want to be modest, but you don’t want to look like your grandmother. However, modesty and fashion don’t have to be at odds. All you have to do is Google “modest fashion bloggers” to see the proof. Scores of fashion-forward, religious women are taking to their computers and expanding the aesthetic expectations of modesty.

A popular Apostolic Pentecostal fashion blogger wrote of her blog MoMoMod:

“MoMoMod challenges the idea that less clothing is more attractive and that style must be compromised in order to be modest. Stylish, fabulous, and modest — it’s possible.”

And yes, it is possible! House of Tong, a Mormon blogger, compiled a list of 64 specifically Mormon fashion blogs with names ranging from “I believe in Unicorns” to “Harley and Jane.” These bloggers are inspiring women all over the blogosophere to unite fashion and their religious values. It’s a beautiful marriage.

Bloggers are also using their sense of fashion as a way to share the gospel. Many Mormon fashion bloggers include links to Church websites, explanations of why they dress modestly as well as explanations of their beliefs. As Mormon fashion blogger Heather Andersen, of Latter Day Style, put it:

“My religion is a big part of my life and who I am, so it makes sense my fashion choices reflect that.”

While being fashionable in an immodest world can still be tough, these blogs show that it’s not impossible. And it can be a lot of fun too.

For modest fashion ideas, check out the Universe pinterest board “LDS Women’s Fashion.”

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