With the promise of the Sochi games being the most watched Olympic event in the history of broadcast television, America and Cougar nation will be on the lookout for BYU student and Olympian Kate Hansen during the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Hansen, of La Canada, Calif., earned a place in history, winning her first career World Cup luge race on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014, in Sigulda, Latvia, marking the first World Cup singles for USA Luge since 1997.

Kate Hansen paddles down the ice during a luge competition. (Photo courtesy Tony Benshoof)
'It has not hit me at all,' Hansen said to Team USA media. 'Honestly, I am just exhausted.'
Training has been demanding for Hansen, but it has paid off in the World Cup.
'The runs were good,' Hansen said of her World Cup run. 'There's more I could have done, but I'm really stoked by it all.'
Hansen and USA Luge have wrapped up World Cup competition and will be making final preparations for the Sochi games, which will start on Feb. 6.