Prosperity of information: A modern miracle


At a time when every activity and thought seems to cost money, the idea of free growth seems foreign.

Scott C. Marsh explains many of the benefits of modern day technology. Photo by Elliott Miller
Scott C. Marsh explains many of the benefits of modern day technology. Photo by Elliott Miller

Scott Marsh, a nationally recognized financial expert and part-time faculty member at the Marriott School of Management, squashed that myth while speaking to 355 BYU Education Week attendees.

“For some reason, a lot of people are willing to provide time, resources, money and imagination without compensation, recognition, reward or advancement,” Marsh said.

Marsh discussed a research project developed with BYU students to determine the best sources of free information.  The list includes websites and applications that provide information and service many currently pay for.

He used as an example. Mint offers free budget planning, purchase history and money tracking services for free while accessing an individual’s bank account.

In the Marsh’s words: “Wow! That is cool!”

Throughout his session, Marsh continued to share his enthusiasm about similar phenomena offered by modern technology.

Marsh discussed useful applications for smartphones, or what he calls a super computer on your hip. An application he described in depth is Red Laser. According to the information provided, by simply scanning the barcode of a product, the consumer is shown options for buying the product allowing them to determine the closest or cheapest options.

Marsh emphasized the importance of familiarizing oneself with modern technology by saying, “This is the age of miracles, and those who are willing to engage those miracles and take part in what is going on today will find their lives significantly blessed.”

A complete list of the Internet sites and applications discussed in the session can be found on Marsh’s website,

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