Becky Mackintosh and Kristi Rodgerson: Encouraging, praising, and providing help for our teenagers


Mothers that wanted to know how to show love to their teenagers and promote a positive self-esteem gathered to hear Becky Mackintosh and Kristi Rodgerson in the Wilkinson Student Center.

Many women are struggling to keep strong relationships with their teens. “Having peace and happiness is a choice, and they come from within,” Mackintosh said. Teaching their youth to love themselves the way God loves them is the only way they can grow through difficult stages in their teenage years.

Mackintosh, from Sandy and the international director of Global Women’s Summits of the Women’s Information Network, spoke first. “After you have done all you can to help your children, leave the matter in the hands of the Lord.”

Mackintosh addressed the rising activity with social media in a positive light. While sitting on Facebook, she noticed her daughter, Kelsey, had written an encouraging post about finals week. Her daughter’s friends had commented about her great attitude. Later, Kelsey told them it was reading the scriptures and praying that made her so happy.

Rodgerson spoke along the same lines of self-confidence. She had asked her son in-law how he obtained his confidence. He told her that he had monthly interviews with his father who helped him set and achieve his goals. Then she offered advice for when teenagers are angry: “hug them more.” Anna Meliza, a stepmom from Salem, Oregon, says she received inspiration from this quote because it hard at times to know what her children need.

When speaking about confronting teenagers, Rodgerson lent some advice from a friend, “I am not in the business of raising an athlete; I am in the business of raising a man.” Mackintosh related to the conversing with her children in her talk, but recalled that there are certain things you can’t compromise; it is more important to be a mother than to be a friend.

Parenting teens is a difficult task, but the more love the mother shows, the better they will feel about themselves. As Mackintosh and Rodgerson summed up the hour, they left the women with a reminder to tell their teenagers how much they love and appreciate them every day.

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