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Blog: 'The Avengers' Director Joss Whedon 'endorses' Mitt Romney

Election day is just around the corner and thelatest Gallup Poll shows both presidential candidates are neck and neck. In a race this close, celebrity endorsements can make all the difference in swaying undecided voters and thus far Hollywood has pulled no punches in showing their support for President Obama.


'The Avengers' Director Joss Whedon took to YouTube to offer his unique 'endorsement' of republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. (Courtesy YouTube)

That's why it was such a surprise when Joss Whedon, director of one of the highest grossing films of all time,  posted a YouTube video endorsing former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney — but he wouldn't be Whedon if there wasn't a twist.

'Mitt Romney is a very different candidate,' Whedon said, 'one with the vision and determination to cut through business-as-usual politics and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse.'

Though sarcastic and cynical,Whedon's video paints a clear picture of how many liberal Americans feel about the republican candidate and his plans for the country. Whedon said Romney's policies on everything from education to healthcare are a surefire way to send this country into what he calls  a 'nightmare zombie wasteland.'

Whedon may not agree with Romney on matter's of economic policy, but he does like the idea of food storage.

'Let's all embrace the future,' he said. 'Stop pretending we care about each other, and start hoarding canned goods.'