Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama quarreled over foreign policy issues in the final presidential debate Monday, Oct. 22.
The debate was seen in an identical format to the first 2012 presidential debate over domestic policy in Denver. The debate was hosted by Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., with Bob Schieffer as moderator and tension throughout the debate was high.

President Barack Obama, left, hugs his wife Michelle while Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney kisses his wife Ann following the third presidential debate at Lynn University, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in Boca Raton, Fla. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Romney congratulated Pres. Obama on killing Bin Laden, but stated, 'we can't kill our way out of this mess.'
As war was a popular topic at the debate, Obama made sure that Americans knew his stance.
'When I sent young men and women into harm’s way, I always understand that that is the last resort, not the first resort,' Obama said. 'After a decade of war, it's time for some nation building at home.'
Obama then attacked Romney's stance on oversea ordeals.
'You've got to be clear both to our allies and our enemies about where you stand.'
Romney responded to Obama's various attacks by one statement all throughout the debate.
'Attacking me is not an agenda,' Romney said.
When asked by Schieffer, 'Is an attack on Israel the same as an attack on the US?' both presidential candidates agreed that it was. They both saw America standing with Israel and fighting for them if they were ever to be attacked. The topic was then switched to the Afghanistan war.
'Afghans are perfectly capable to take care of their own country,' Obama said.
Romney's plan was similar to Obama's as both placed importance on rejecting terrorism, but yet Romney said he wanted to do more than just kill.
'My plan is to go after the bad guys,' Romney said. 'But my strategy is much broader than that.' Romney then continued by stating that Afghans need to be prepared to reject terrorists on their own.
Romney then stated, 'And America must be strong. America must lead. '
Obama continually attacked Romney on a lack of foreign policy experience.
'I know you haven't been a position to actually execute foreign policy,' Obama said. 'But every time you've offered an opinion, you've been wrong.'
The two candidates closed the debate stating the future of America is in the hands of voters. The effects of the debates and the campaigns of the two candidates will be known within a few short weeks with Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 6th.