Every beginning has an ending. As students and faculty at Brigham Young University the end goal is this: graduation of the student and a successful life ahead.
But what does it take to become successful in the world we live in today and how are we supposed to get there through our time at BYU?
One of the marks of an intelligent person is the knowledge they have of the world around them and the ability to implement that knowledge into helping the society in which they live.
This semester that is what we as a staff on The Universe want to focus on here on the opinion page. We want to help you
One of our main goals for the semester will be to get input from you, the students and faculty of Brigham Young University to find out what you are interested in and want to learn more about.become more socially aware of the political and social issues surrounding you so that you have the ability to decide what your opinion is.
So why should you read this page? The purpose of an editorial is to inform readers about a social or political issue they relates to the world we live in so that they can read that opinion along with other viewpoints and then decide for themselves what they truly believe.
Our Prophet Thomas S. Monson recently made a call to all members of the church to be able to stand up for what we believe in. President Monson said “we may at times find ourselves surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?”(October 2011 conference)
One of the goals of this university is to intellectually enlarge its students so that they can have a life filled with learning and service.
In order to reach those goals and be able to answer the prophet’s call to stand up for what we believe in we must first find out what we believe the truth to be through studying it out.
For this semester that is the goal of this page, to present the issues that are effecting our lives today so that you can read them and decide how you would like to address those issues.
We want this page to be a voice for the students, but in order to do that we need your help. If you have a viewpoint and would like to share it please e-mail them to duletters@gmail.com. We would also appreciate hearing topics and suggestions of issue
We value your input and will strive to present you with issues you are interested in throughout the semester so that you can have the tools to take a stand for what you believe in.s you would like written about in this semester’s opinion page.