“On the one hand, I know people who say we need to do this, this and this and don’t see the other side of it. But I also know people who look at both sides. The entittlement generation is just one of those generalizations”
Jazmin Cybulski
Jacksonville, Fla.

“We’re not entitled to (a job after college). You go and get an education so you can go find a job and be marketable. Schools not given to you so why would the job be given to you.”
Kyle Spicer
Open Major

“I think it’s very valid in most cases. I mean, we’ve grown up where we don’t have to work as hard for things, so we just expect everything to be handed to us and given to us when really that’s not how it works.”
Janessa Gray
Open major
Pleasant Grove

“I think it’s important that the generations before us do make the right choices so that future generations can prosper. However, no one is really entitled to anything. Everyone needs to work to make their own living to be successful.”
Mike Alfandre
Potomac, Md.