Patricia Ravert, Associate Dean of the BYU College of Nursing, encouraged students and faculty to be persistent and patient while persevering life plans at Devotional.
'Persistence is a 'stick-to-it' attitude even when things are difficult,' she said. 'Your daily persistence develops into the characteristic of perseverance.'
Ravert, who will become the Dean of the College of Nursing August 1, gave examples from her own life of changes she has made to adapt to the challenges in her life. During her freshman year, Ravert changed her major from the planned medical science laboratory major, but she didn't know what major to pick.
'I returned home discouraged because I had not settled on a major,' Ravert said.
Then she received an acceptance letter from the nursing program. She said choosing nursing has had life-altering affects for over 38 years.
'Most of our plans have bumps along the way,' Ravert said. 'This is when persistence and patience will be particularly helpful.'
She broke down the challenges that we face into two categories.
'Sometimes persistence is needed for the short term,' Ravert said. 'Yet with patience and sincere efforts we are able to complete the goal.'
Ravert said the second category requires persistence and perseverance over long periods of time.
She cited an example of a friend she called Suzanne who had to put in a life of persistence and patience. Suzanne had three daughters. As the family grew, they found two of the girls had autism.
'The plan for Suzanne's family was altered,' Ravert said.
Suzanne continued her life, although changed, when her supportive husband passed away suddenly. Ravert said again Suzanne's plans were altered.
However, Ravert said Suzanne made the best of her life.
' Continues to find joy as she realized that life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful,' Ravert said. 'She is persistent and will continue to persevere over her lifetime.'
Ravert also cited that the scriptures encouragement to endure to the end. She said she struggled with the idea of enduring to the end because it seemed overwhelming, but her perspective changed when she heard President Monson suggest daily efforts.
'I came to realize what I really needed was persistence as I worked on my daily to-do list.'
Ravert encouraged students and administration to patiently pursue their plans.
'Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful,' Ravert said. 'I urge you to be persistent and persevere and exercise the patience to find your plan and reach your goals.'