On Monday, June 18th, the Provo Police Department received notice of an auto accident and possible DUI.
A driver leaving the State Liquor Store at 10 a.m. on South Freedom Boulevard crashed into a cinder block retaining wall in the parking lot, severely damaging both the vehicle and the wall. The driver immediately fled the scene.
Once police officers arrived, striation marks from the suspect's vehicle were found, allowing authorities to follow the trail to a home into a nearby neighborhood. The police concluded that the suspect first drove his vehicle into a backyard, striking a tree, then backed out, running over some rose bushes. The suspect again fled the scene without waiting for authorities.

After speaking with construction workers who saw the suspect's vehicle traveling west on Center Street, police officers were able to locate more striation marks leading them to the home of the suspect. Upon arriving at this third scene, police found the suspect's car crashed into his closed garage door. The suspect had attempted to enter his garage without opening the door, severely damaging the home. Police found the suspect, Noah Rewis, 42, sitting in his car when they arrived.
Once police made contact with Rewis, they discovered his need for medical attention. Sgt. Brandon Post, the public information officer for the Provo Police Department, stated that Rewis was then issued a citation arrest allowing him to receive treatment in a hospital for an unrelated medical condition.
Post explained that this type of scenario in Provo is rare, and that police were able to easily track the vehicle throughout the city due to the severity of the first collision at the State Liquor Store.
'Mr. Rewis's vehicle was severely damaged after the first incident and not fit to drive,' said Post.
Police were able to track the vehicle because of its irregular tire markings. Investigators concluded that Rewis's intoxication is the result of a combination of prescription drugs and alcohol.
Post said that several neighbors have now commented that Rewis has a history of striking objects with his car. Rewis's Utah state records show a history of intoxication abuse and misdemeanor assaults.