Letter: 12-step groups


I found  the recent articles regarding pornography to be very heartfelt and inspiring. It truly is an issue that cannot be ignored. I think we do ourselves a great disservice by brushing it under the table. I also feel like addicts are afraid of being ostracized for their afflictions. While we cannot and should not condone pornography, we can offer an understanding heart and a supportive attitude.

While the aforementioned articles are insightful, I did notice one thing that might have allowed them to be of even greater benefit. I speak namely of  providing further information for struggling addicts on how to get in contact with the support groups mentioned. A phone number, a link to a pornography and/or sex addicts anonymous group, maybe even a location with normal meeting times. It is sad that there were so many references to 12-step groups and how beneficial they are, without any reference for the suffering addict to locate one of these meetings. I wish I could provide this information but sadly, I do not have it.

Benjamin Jeffs

Editor’s Note: LDS Family Services holds groups at the seminary building east of the John Taylor Building every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. More groups and locations can be found at providentliving.org.

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