Letter: Pre-Election Mess


If the spectacle taking place on the political scene  were not so  tragic, it would certainly be ludicrous. Candidates competing for the highest office in the United States are viciously tearing into each other, making themselves appear totally incompetent and making our country the laughingstock of the world. Would we want someone to lead our nation who apparently is so incompetent (as depicted in the present campaign)?

What is wrong with a system that allows a minute group of individuals in Iowa, of all states really, to practically determine who may represent the Republican Party in the next election? Can you think of anything more ludicrous? The opposition must take notes carefully and use the ammunition in its own upcoming smear campaign.  In addition, we already have a parliament that does not function for the best of the people, but whose members  spend their time mainly destroying our political system.  For the past few decades they have done practically nothing to prevent this great nation from sliding into the precarious mess in which we are now embroiled.

Now, what about these candidates? Will they really be capable of moving us out of the desperate economic and political situation in which we find ourselves?

In addition, all U.S. citizens should be appalled at the tens of millions of dollars that are wasted on absurd TV and newspaper ads. These tens of millions, as we desperately need a solution for our  educational system  and for helping  the millions of hungry and homeless families who have little food, often no shelter, and no health insurance. What is happening to these United States of America?

Professor of German Studies

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