Letter: Point by point


In response to the article “Home-ophobia (11/15):”

You said: “Categorizing situations as ‘good, better, best’ solely based on sexual orientation is ridiculous.”

My response: If this were true, why would the Church be so adamantly opposed to same-sex marriage? The sole reason for the Church’s opposition is the resulting family environment.

You said: “We believe in Christ, but does that mean Buddhist parents are less capable of providing a suitable home?”

My response: Yes. If children were just as well off in a Buddhist home as an LDS home, why bother being LDS? I believe in the doctrines of the Church, and children are better off being raised in a righteous LDS home than any other environment. Without this view, why perform missionary work?

You said: “The Family: A Proclamation to the World also states parents should rear their children in love and righteousness, provide for their physical and spiritual needs … to think only heterosexual couples are capable of doing this is crazy talk.”

My response: How can a homosexual couple raise a child “in righteousness,” providing for “spiritual needs,” when their living arrangement is fundamentally contrary to the commandments of God and prohibits them from having the Spirit in their home? Now, I do not believe homosexual people cannot have the Spirit, but choosing to live together violates the law of chastity in a most severe way and the Spirit cannot dwell in a home where chastity is disregarded.

Eric Jones
Escondido, Calif.

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