What will Provo be like in 2030?



The Provo City Council met Tuesday to pass the Vision 2030, a process for defining what Provo will look like in 20 years.

Rick Healey, council member, praised the project and said the city is more likely to reach its goals if they are put in words and clearly delineated.

“This has been an unbelievable project,” Healey said. “This is a path that wasn’t defined very well. In many ways they have pioneered new territory.”

A steering committee was formed at the beginning of 2010 to study key city issues. Thirteen subcommittees were created to focus on these  issues which include education, land use and growth, unity, leisure and natural resources. These subcommittees then gave specific vision statements to direct how Provo should deal with the issues.

The council is excited about moving to phase two of the project and making progress.

“Now it is time to take it from creating this document to implementing this document,” Curtis said.

After tweaking some language, the resolution to adopt the Provo City Vision 2030 Plan passed.

“This is a big deal for the city,” Healey said. “So much effort and time has been spent on this …  so we can know what the citizens want.”

The document for Vision 2030 is available on the home page of Provo.org, although the updated version may not be up for a while.


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