General Conference (Sunday morning): Elder Robert D. Hales


Elder Robert D. Hales taught that as we go through the trials and hardships of life, we grow and become strengthened when we wait upon the Lord.

Jesus Christ exercised His agency to suffer for our sins. “He already knows, and we have the opportunity to learn, that no matter how difficult our circumstances, ‘all of these things shall be for our experience, and our good,'” he said.

You can view Elder Hales talk here:

Elder Hales defined what it means to wait upon the Lord. We can wait upon the Lord by hoping, anticipating and trusting. We wait on Him by pressing forward with a “perfect brightness of hope.” We also wait on Him when we consecrate our will.

“It means praying as the Savior did — to God, our Heavenly Father — saying, ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.’ It is a prayer we offer with our whole souls, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,” Elder Hales said.

Elder Hales said that understanding and answers from the Lord come ‘”line upon line … here a little, and there a little.”

“We may not know when or how the Lord’s answers will be given, but in His time and His way, I testify His answers will come,” Elder Hales said.

Elder Hales closed by testifying that we are not alone in our Gethsemane.

“He knows your sacrifices and your sorrows. He hears your prayers,” Elder Hales said. “His peace and rest will be yours as you continue to wait upon Him in faith.”

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