Psychology department seeks re-accreditation


    By Cathy Collette

    BYU”s psychology department is covering all of its bases for the upcoming accreditation review for the clinical psychology program.

    “We have an excellent program,” said Gawain Wells, psychology department chair. “We have reviewed our program goals and are prepared to meet with site visitors that will report back to the Committee on Accreditation.”

    In order for a program to maintain accreditation, representatives must respond to questions sent by the American Psychology Association and write goals for the upcoming year.

    Dr. Wells said the department discussed and worked out goals that are required by the APA”s standards.

    Once this is completed, three site visitors approved by the APA visit the university for three to four days to meet with faculty members and students involved in the program needing to be accredited.

    Site visitors then write a report and submit it to the Committee on Accreditation.

    “We”ve been continuously accredited since we first applied in the late 1960s,” Wells said.

    Universities must abide by a specific set of standards in order to be accredited.

    These standards, as posted on the APA Web site, include: the program must engage in actions that indicate respect for and understanding of cultural and individual diversity; the program must implement a clear and coherent curriculum plan; and students must receive adequate and appropriate practicum experiences.

    Wells said BYU”s psychology department received the maximum certification possible the last time they were certified.

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